Robert Mehl

since 2023/5

Lecturer for urban planning history in the course of study architecture
iu - international university of applied sciences, Cologne


Drone pilot training
Acquisition of an EU drone flight licence according to EASA standard for the remote-controlled operation of class A1/A3 and A2 aircraft.

2018/7 - 2020/4

Freelance author for DETAIL Business Information GmbH, Munich
Online portal of structure magazine

2018/6 - 2020/4

Freelance author for ad media GmbH, Cologne
magazine: Opus C

since 2018/1

Lectureship for architectural photography
University of applied sciences Aachen
subject building history, Prof. Anke Fissabre

Since 2017/2

Freelance author for Docu Media Schweiz GmbH, Rüschlikon/CH
magazines: Schweizer Baudokumentation (SBD),
Baublatt (BB)

since 2016/7

member of the Germany's
Independent Architects Association (VFA)

2015/4 – 2018/9

Lectureship for architectural photography
University of applied sciences, Gießen (THM);
directly assumed to deanship

2011/04 – 2012/3

Scientific assistant at the chair of preservation of monuments
at RWTH Aachen, Prof. C. Raabe,
involved as photogrammeter at the project “palatina-research”

2006/08 - 2012/8

Photogrammetric documentation of all inner wall and ceiling surfaces
of Maulbronn monastery abbey church, a world heritage monument

Since 2006/8

Permanent exhibition of my architectural photos
in the doctor's survey “Urlogie am Malkasten, Düsseldorf

2006/08 until 2010/8

Photogrammetric documentation of all inner wall and ceiling surfaces
in the Carolingian core building of the Aachen cathedral

Since 2004/12

Freelance author and editor for the magazine
at Bauverlag BV GmbH, Gütersloh for the magazines
Concrete Plant + Precast Technology (BFT)
Yearbook Beton Bauteile (before 2009: Concrete + Precast- Concrete Yearbook)

Since 2004/10

Drawing submission authorized member of
Architects Registration Board Northrhine- Westphalia (AKNW)

Since 2004/1

Freelance author for Bauverlag BV GmbH, Gütersloh
magazines: Bauwelt, DBZ, Bauhandwerk, BS, tHIS, Tunnel


Exhibition with A. Hilgers at Aula Carolina, Aachen:
„360°-Photography and Freelance Work“

Since 2002/4

Freelance service provider, various projects in the Frankfurt (Main) area

Since 2001/2

Freelance photographer of architecture, amongst others:
Novoferm Vertriebs GmbH (Isselburg), Implenia Holding GmbH (Raunheim)
Apleona R&M Ausbau GmbH (München), Bauverlag BV GmbH (Gütersloh)


1st prize at contest Römerwall „Water Photo 2000“

1999/3 until 2001/01

Freelance work for several architecture offices in Münster,
Berlin and Aachen

9/1993 - 4/1995

Freelance work for museum center of world heritage monument Lorsch monastery

4/1993 - 12/1996

Student employee at the institut of building history, RWTH Aachen
Prof. J. Pieper

1989/9 until 1998/07

Architectural studies at RWTH Aachen


High school diploma in Koblenz