Former Euro-Tower Skyline, Frankfurt/M, D
Fibre concrete pavillon's final construction at RWTH Aachen University, D
Phänomenta pendular-tower, Lüdenscheid, D
Lobby-staircase, WTZ-tower, Heilbronn, D
Inflaming-test, MPA Braunschweig, D
TBZ of IHK Cologne, D
Dublicate of 2014's World-Trophy, soccer-museum, Dortmund, D
Refurbishment of former European Central-Bank-tower, Frankfurt/M, D
Extension of Eberhard-Ludwigs-high-school, Stuttgart, D
Rhine-boulevard, Cologne-Deutz, D
New chemistry at JLU Gießen, D; photo: S. Staufenberg, S. Müller
Vine-archive, Schneider vinery, Ellerstadt, D
St. Mary, "chruch by the sea", Horumersiel-Schillig, D